Category Archives: Father, Mother and Children

How Does It Feel To Be A Father?


Dear readers,


I’m doing a research on how it feels to become a father.

How many of you are fathers??

I’m a woman and not married yet, so for sure I can’t describe how fathers feel towards their children.

How did you feel when your child was born?

I know you must be very happy and proud of him.

But was there any other feelings besides that?

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I cherish


Someone told me a long time ago that to cherish was better than to love. I asked him why, then he said, “To love is to love only. But to cherish is not only to love, but it is also to honour, to take care of and to protect. It is deeper than just loving.”  I was really amazed at his point of view.

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Mestikah Bercerai?


Ada berita yang cukup membuat shock hari ini. Sepasang suami istri yang gue tau sepatutnya menjadi panutan, yang sepatutnya mengerti bahwa pernikahan itu adalah sesuatu yang betul-betul sakral dan ga bisa ditawar-tawar; sepasang suami istri ini katanya telah berpisah, bahkan bercerai. Kenapa 2 orang yang saling sayang bisa sampai akhirnya bercerai?? Bener-bener ga habis pikir. Pantes aja gue perhatiin anak mereka kelihatan pendiam sekali. Ada sesuatu di anak itu yang ga bisa gue jelasin sebelumnya. Gue cuma merasa pasti ada sesuatu dengan dia sampai dia jadi pendiam begitu.

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Somewhere Beyond the Rainbow


Someone said that even unreturned love has its own rainbow. Can somebody tell me where the rainbow is???  I was trying to search for it but still can’t find it . My friend can’t either. She’s crying until there’s no voice coming out from her mouth. She’s trying to hold back her tears and  find the rainbow, but her vision is too blur… I hate him for making her cry. I hate her for letting herself cry.        

Where is the rainbow? Is it near or far? Is it just above our heads or  far away there beyond the horizon? How long does it take to get there? What is it that I can find beyond that rainbow?? Promise fulfilled? Love kept? Home waiting? Why is it so important for me to find it? What about if I can’t find it my whole life? What makes it different from any other rainbow? What is the use of this kind of rainbow?        

This rainbow doesn’t need to appear anywhere in the sky!!! It has to throw itself away to the bottom of the earth. The sun shouldn’t let himself shine on it. The rain shouldn’t pour. The clouds shouldn’t gather together. So I won’t have to waste my time trying to search for it. My friend neither.  Nor anyone else.      

Strange thing is it’s always there. She loves him and he loves the other. So, the clouds keep gathering and the rain keeps pouring. I guess the sun will shine anyway. So, it’s always there.        

But can somebody tell me where it is? I can’t find it anywhere. Not before, not now.     

I don’t even believe it exists. Not until I can find one.